Gratitude Journal

Unlimited Gratitude Journals

Daily & Weekly 5-Min Daily Gratitude Journal & Planner. Unlock Prosperity On All Levels with Monthly, Weekly and Daily Gratitude, Reflections, Intentions, and Affirmations. Manifest Your Dreams – Undated, Start Anytime, Lasts 1 Year

Why You'll Love Them

Unique Covers

A Cover to Match Your Vibe. Because...

a gratitude journey isn't one-flavour-fits all.

They Make Great Gifts

Each Cover Is As Unique as the Person You’re Gifting It To


Undated. Start anytime. Lasts a year.

Quick & Easy

5 Minutes Daily Ritual for a Happier You

unlimited daily gratitude journal diary for women questions

Inspiring Quotes on Every Page

To keep you motivated.

With 365 Unique Mindful Prompt

Each prompt builds the skill of gratitude—helping you appreciate yourself, the people around you, and everything you’re receiving.

Super Light & Portable

Size 8.5" x 5.5": Just a perfect fit.

More Than A Journal

A Yearly Collection of Your Progress.

Bring Dreams to Life

Map out your dream year, turn it into a plan, and commit by putting it on the monthly calendar.

Daily Habits = Success

Bring dreams to life by turning big goals into daily habits.

How is this

Unlimited Gratitude Journal different?

This Gratitude Journal goes by the name 'Unlimited' for a reason. It's not just about being thankful when everything's peachy. But what about those rough patches? This is what this ‘Unlimited Gratitude’ Journal is about. It’s here to serve you as a reminder that gratitude isn't bound by circumstance. It's about finding those tiny glimmers of goodness even in the darkest of days.

This Unlimited Daily Gratitude Journal is meant to be a piece of art you'd find in a gallery. It’s intended to be savoured and talked about. Imagine sitting in a café, and someone spots it on your table. Boom! Instant conversation starter. Think about practicing ‘unlimited gratitude’ like being an artist, but instead of paints and brushes, you're using moments and reflections to make your life a work of art.

Daily Gratitude Journal

Embark on a journey to prosperity on all levels.

  • Daily Journal Undated.
  • Start anytime.
  • 5 minutes a day grateful diary
  • Start each day with an intention.
  • Start each day with an affirmation.
  • Reflect on your favourite moment of the day.
  • Make a list of what you’re grateful for
unlimited daily gratitude journal diary for women questions
unlimited daily gratitude journal diary for women yellow weekly spead

Weekly Journal

Get the full picture of your week in just one glance and quickly spot those blessings that make your week shine.

  • Weekly Journal Undated.
  • Start anytime.
  • Set your week’s intention.
  • Set your week’s priorities.
  • Set and track your new habits for the week.

Monthly Planner & Journaling Ideas

Journal prompts help you foster a mindset of abundance, shifting your focus from scarcity to prosperity. Monthly Planner helps break down your big dreams into doable weekly steps.

  • Monthly Planner Undated
  • Start anytime.
  • Set your intention for the month.
  • Start your month with journaling.
  • Break down your dream into weekly steps.
  • Incorporate the new monthly gratitude affirmation prompt into your daily journaling.
unlimited daily gratitude journal diary for women yellow vision and planner
unlimited daily gratitude journal diary for women yellow refletions

Monthly Reflection Questions

As you wrap up the month, use your gratitude journal diary to reflect on all the things you've received over the past few weeks.

  • End your month with journaling.
  • End of the month journal prompts to help you reflect.
  • Reflect on the steps you’ve taken towards your dreams.
  • Take a moment to pat yourself on the back.
  • Assess what to continue, stop or start.
  • Write down how practicing gratitude has made a difference for you this month.

Do daily gratitude journals really work?

Here’s What Happened When I Started a Gratitude Journal?

It all started with a simple act – setting daily intentions and writing down affirmations and watching them manifest faster than I ever thought possible.

  • Passive income started rolling in.

  • My perspective on everything, from conflict in my relationship to how I viewed my own body shifted.

  • Sticky situations became opportunities for growth.

  • I found myself falling in love with every curve and imperfection.

  • In business – tasks that once seemed daunting and dull suddenly became effortless and exciting.

  • And don't even get me started on the unexpected pleasures – synchronicities, insights, inspirations – you name it, I experienced it.

Why I started a gratitude journal for women?

Because I needed to get out of a negative downward spiral.

Alright, let's rewind a bit. Picture this: me, sitting there with my fancy new Unlimited Gratitude Journal and skepticism levels through the roof.

I mean, come on, gratitude journaling?

It sounded like something straight out of a fairy tale – all rainbows, unicorns, and fluffy clouds.

My inner skeptic was screaming, "This is BS, it's not gonna work!" But then, a little voice in the back of my mind whispered about Louise Hay – you know, the queen of affirmations and positive thinking.

Louise Hay was a powerful woman, a self-made millionaire who said that you can change your life by changing your thoughts.

Hey, if someone as wise as Louise Hay believed in the power of positivity, maybe there was something to this gratitude gig after all.

The Science of Gratitude

Keeping a Daily Gratitude Journal Can Rewire Your Brain

Turns out, there's actual science behind this gratitude stuff – it's not just woo-woo nonsense.

Research has shown that practicing gratitude can rewire your brain, literally changing the way you think and feel.

It's all about those neural pathways, baby.

By focusing on the good stuff, you're actually strengthening the neural connections associated with positivity and happiness.

Such a simple act – jotting down a few things you're grateful for each day – but it can have a profound impact on your entire outlook on life.

Who knew, right?

Gratitude Journal Diary Benefits:

  • Improved mood and overall happiness
  • Reduced stress and anxiety levels
  • Better sleep quality
  • Increased resilience in facing life's challenges
  • Strengthened relationships and social connections
  • Enhanced self-esteem and self-worth
  • Greater sense of fulfillment and life satisfaction
  • Increased optimism and positive outlook on life
  • Improved physical health and immune function
  • Enhanced ability to cope with adversity and setbacks

Alright, let's kick off this gratitude journal journey with a bang!

First things first: choosing your dream for the year.

Now, this isn't just any dream – it's the guiding light that will illuminate your path for the next twelve months.

So, how do you choose?

Simple. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and listen to your heart.

What's calling out to you?

What do you want more of in your life?

Whether it's abundance, joy, adventure, or something entirely different, let your intuition be your guide.

Once you've chosen your dream, write it all down as if it's already happened, as if your future self is writing a gratitude letter to your present self.

1. Set Your Intentions: Begin by setting clear intentions for what you want to manifest in your life. Write down your goals, dreams, and desires as if they have already come true.

2. Write Affirmations: Incorporate affirmations into your gratitude journaling practice. Write affirmations that affirm your belief in your ability to manifest your desires. Repeat these affirmations daily to reinforce positive thinking and attract what you desire into your life.

3. Practice Daily Gratitude: Each day, take a few moments to write down what you are grateful for. Focus on the positive aspects of your life, no matter how big or small. This helps shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

4. Take Inspired Action: Manifestation isn't just about wishing and waiting – it also requires taking inspired action towards your goals. Use your gratitude journal to brainstorm action steps and track your progress towards manifesting your desires.

5. Set and track new habits that support your goals. Whether it's waking up early to meditate, hitting the gym regularly, or dedicating time to hone your craft, these habits are the building blocks of success.

I started with a simple journal entry:

"I’m still in such awe that I’m receiving passive income every frigging month!"

And you know what? It actually happened!

Cue the confetti and the victory dance because I was beyond thrilled and grateful that the money I needed was magically showing up like clockwork.

But it didn't stop there. Oh no, this manifestation party was just getting started.

"Congratulations, I have another booking.Congratulations, another book sold. Congratulations, here’s my payout."

  • Thank you for the inspiration
  • Thank you for the insights
  • Thank you for the gifts
  • Thank you for the invitations
  • Thank you for amazing people in my life
  • Thank you for money
  • Thank you for releasing what's been holding me back
  • Thank you for the motivation
  • Thank you for the opportunities
  • Thank you for the support
  • Thank you for the abundance
  • Thank you for great ideas
  • Thank you for love
  • Thank you for my health
  • Thank you for my life

So, if you're ever doubting the power of writing your vision and manifesting your dreams, just remember this: it's not about how big or crazy your dreams are – it's about believing in them and taking inspired action. Who knows what magic awaits when you put pen to paper and leverage the power of gratitude.

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