Confidence Coaching

Best Confidence Coach in Ottawa

Best Confidence Course in Ottawa

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"Shatter Limits"

This confidence course helps remove the weight of doubt holding you back so you can let your genius shine

Natalia Kantor is one of the

Top 10 Confidence Coaches in Ottawa To Be Working With


Success Story

Jennifer | Breathwork Coach

"I became a powerful, confident, graceful and sexy woman."

I was afraid to fully express myself.

I feel powerful, graceful, sexy and fierce regardless of my weight, my hair or my boyfriend status.

What's included?

The Confidence Building Course

A powerful private or group coaching experience

Join in from anywhere in the world

Online Tools: Blueprints, cheatsheets

How to Build Confidence

Powerful Community

Connect with inclusive, supportive and fun community.



Self Trust







Why work with us?

Confidence Course in Ottawa will help you...

1. Get Clarity

You'll become a master of busting those low self-esteem blues! You will learn how to clear those clouds of confusion and get to the bottom of what's holding you back and why.

2. Create A Plan

You'll delve deep into your soul and craft a unique roadmap to a version of success that works for you.

3. Build Confidence

No more feeling small or unworthy - you'll tap into your inner badass and show the world what you're made of!

Our Unique Coaching Method

an integrated approach of The Pleasurable Way

"The Pleasurable Way."


The "pleasurable way" is a coaching method focused on helping you develop a state of inner balance and resilience, which allows you to navigate life with greater ease.


1. Solution Focused

You'll put theory into practice ASAP. No more sitting around and talking about your problems endlessly - you'll get up and start doing things firsthand so you can see real results in no time.

2. Science Based

Our coaching method is based on neuroscience and cognitive, behavioural and social psychology.

3. Fun

Here's the deal: You'll succeed while having a blast because when you're having a blast working towards your goals, you're more likely to actually achieve 'em!

4. Self-Directed

You'll take responsibility for your own learning, develop a vision for your future and works with me to help you overcome internal barriers that are holding you back.

5. Personalized

Our coaching method is specifically tailed to you, to your learning style, preferences, and needs. 

6. Flexible

You have a busy schedule. Our coaching involves combining live coaching with self-paced learning options to provide a more flexible and personalized learning experience.

4 Qualities To Look For

When choosing a Confidence Coach


Alrighty then, if you're on the hunt for a coach to help you boost your confidence, make sure they've got a track record that's as impressive as ours.


Look for someone who's got the experience to back up their swagger, and who can guide you towards success like a ninja warrior!


You need someone who can communicate like a pro and listen like a champ, so you can be sure they'll understand your needs better than a psychic.


Look for a coach who can feel your pain like a soulful musician and who can give you guidance that hits you right in the feels!

Interested in working together?

"Natalia helped elevate me in terms of what I thought possible for myself"

~ Kushal,

Senior Analytics Consultant

Natalia helped me build out my best life by following the path of pleasure. Sounds enticing right?

I participated in a 1 minute pitch contest. Me, who had for the longest time a fear of public speaking. It went amazing. I even asked for what I wanted at work and received a promotion and a 30% raise.

Working With A Confidence Coach

Here's what to expect


Confidence coach is like a personal cheerleader who's always rooting for you and giving you that extra boost you need to take on the world! They'll help you silence your inner critic and give you the confidence to tackle any challenge.

More Confidence

A confidence coach is like a ninja warrior who helps you identify and conquer the obstacles that are holding you back. They'll help you smash through those limiting beliefs and negative self-talk like a karate chop to the face!

Lots of Confidence

A confidence coach is like a genie who can grant you the wish of living your best life! They'll help you unlock your full potential and become the version of yourself you've always dreamed of!

Common Questions

Common questions you may have about confidence coaching
  • 1. What does self-confidence look like?

    Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and one's abilities. It is an important part of success and can be beneficial in many areas of life. Self-confidence allows people to take risks, try new things, and pursue their dreams without fear of failure or rejection. Having a positive outlook on life can also help build self-confidence. People with self-confidence believe in themselves and their abilities; they are capable of setting realistic goals and achieving them. Self-confidence helps people express themselves authentically, stay resilient in difficult times, and maintain a healthy level of self-esteem. With increased self-confidence, people are more likely to make positive changes in their lives that make them happier and more successful.

  • 2. What does lack of self confidence look like?

    No, you are not the only one with these imposter thoughts and feelings. In fact, many people feel like what you're experiencing is completely normal, due to the competitive nature of our society. Everyone is trying to excel in their respective fields, and when we don't live up to our own expectations, it can lead to feelings of insecurity and fear that we are not good enough. These doubts can be overwhelming and can even lead to a sense of fraudulence in our accomplishments. However, it is important to remember that everyone has their own unique path and successes. It's okay if yours doesn't look like someone else's - that doesn't mean you're any less capable or successful than anyone else. Taking care of yourself emotionally and physically will help you recognize your worth, no matter how small the accomplishment may be.

  • 3. How does low self-confidence impact you?

    Low confidence leads to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity, missed opportunities, difficulty in personal and professional relationships, and reduced ability to achieve your goals. Low confidence can have a detrimental effect on an individual's work life. It can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety, causing them to doubt their abilities, leading to an inability to make decisions or take risks. This can cause people to become disheartened and affect their motivation levels and productivity. Furthermore, low confidence can lead people to avoid social situations in the workplace and prevent them from networking with colleagues, which can limit their professional opportunities. Additionally, when someone lacks self-confidence they may be reluctant to speak up in meetings or take on challenging tasks, preventing them from reaching their full potential. Therefore, it is important that individuals are able to develop self-confidence in order to succeed in their career.

  • 4. How do you build self-confidence?

    Gaining self-confidence can be a difficult process, but it is also one of the most important steps to take in order to reach success. The first step is to recognize your strengths and weaknesses and focus on building upon them. This can include participating in activities that make you feel comfortable, confident, and capable such as sports or hobbies. Additionally, setting goals and taking small steps to achieve those goals can help build up your confidence. It is also helpful to practice positive self-talk by speaking positively about yourself when faced with difficult tasks or situations. Finally, surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself will also help boost your self-confidence. By taking these steps and making an effort to focus on your abilities rather than your limitations, you can become more confident in yourself.

  • 5. What is confidence coaching?

    Confidence coaching is a form of life coaching that focuses on helping individuals to increase their self-confidence and self-esteem. It typically works by enabling the individual to identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop strategies for dealing with difficult situations, and learn how to recognize and overcome negative thought patterns. The intention is to help the individual build up a more positive outlook on themselves and their capabilities. It also encourages them to take risks, set realistic goals, and create a vision of what they want out of life. Ultimately, confidence coaching helps clients become more confident in themselves and their own abilities so they can live a more fulfilling and successful life.

  • 6. Reasons to Consider Confidence Coaching?

    Confidence coaching can be a great way to help you increase your self-esteem and achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Here are three reasons why it is worth considering: first, it can provide you with strategies that will help you build your confidence in any situation, whether it be in the workplace or in social situations; second, it can give you an objective view of yourself and help to identify areas where there might be room for improvement; and third, it can provide ongoing support and guidance to help keep you motivated and on track. Even if you feel like there is no hope, confidence coaching can be the boost that helps you achieve success.

  • 7. What Does a Confidence Coach Do?

    A Confidence Coach is a professional who helps individuals build their self-confidence and feel better about themselves. They use a variety of techniques to help individuals identify, assess and set goals for personal development. A Confidence Coach will support clients in understanding the root causes of their lack of confidence, as well as providing them with the tools they need to build on their strengths, and develop strategies to overcome any areas of difficulty they may have. With the support of a Confidence Coach, people can begin to recognise and appreciate their unique value and potential, building up their self-esteem and enabling them to reach greater heights in life.

  • 8. Working with a Confidence Coach: Here’s What to Expect?

    Working with a confidence coach can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It provides the opportunity to explore and build on existing strengths, while also identifying areas where improvement can be made. During sessions, you can expect to receive personalized guidance on how to increase self-confidence in both personal and professional domains. The confidence coach will work with you to help identify potential triggers of low self-esteem and provide strategies to combat any negative thinking patterns. As part of the coaching process, they may also introduce techniques such as relaxation and visualisation exercises, which are designed to help reduce stress levels and boost overall wellbeing. Ultimately, working with a confidence coach can be a transformative experience that helps you develop greater self-awareness and become more in tune with your inner strength.

Who we work with?

Individuals and companies of all sizes.

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